Pass limited to certain ski lifts with access to easy slopes.
Funicamp: One ascent/descent with Funicamp Gondola lift, TS Colibrí chairlifts, TK Cortals 1 and 2 chairlifts.
Canillo/Forn: One ascent/descent with the TC8 gondola lift, Tapis Tubbing, TK Forn and TSF4 junior chairlift.
Tarter: One ascent/descent with the gondola lift TC10, TK Riba, TSF2 Riba, TSF4 Pi del Migdia
Soldeu: One ascent/descent with the gondola lift TC8, Zona Plataforma, TK Debutants, TK Tapís Plataforma
Grau Roig: TSF Xavi Clot; TK Pessons 1 and 2
Pas de la Casa: TSF Coll dels Isards, TSF4 Solana, TK Les Abelletes, Tapis Les Abelletes I; TC10 Els Pioners.
Not valid for private or group lessons (except for 1-day beginner group lessons).